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The advertising industry does a great job of telling us we need items that often will not add much value to our lives. The job of an advertisement is to convince the customers that buying a certain product will drastically improve their day to day lives. We've made a list of six things you may think you need (but really don't).


1. Home Exercise Equipment

We often think that to make a significant change to our lifestyle, we need to go out and buy hundreds of dollars of brand new equipment. Exercise equipment is the perfect example of this. Home exercise machines can be extremely expensive, and a lot of the time, they will just sit in the garage gathering dust. If you are looking to start incorporating more exercise and don’t want to join a gym, try looking on YouTube for some exercises you can do without equipment. Often times you will find you don’t need anything except a chair and a yoga mat to begin your fitness journey from home.

2. The Newest iPhone

We always want the newest piece of technology to replace our old phone, tablet or laptop, but this will often cost us thousands of dollars for an upgrade we do not even need. Take some time to evaluate before upgrading to the newer version of your phone before doing so. If properly cared for, our devices can last a lot longer than we are lead to believe. Try to avoid purchasing new technology if your current device is still functioning well, and if you do decide to upgrade, look at buying the second newest version available, as it will usually be a lot cheaper.


3. Specific Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies are always labelled as being specifically for bathrooms or kitchens, floors, or walls, but often the ingredients are the same. Avoid doubling up on similar products by doing some research on products that can be used on multiple surfaces. There are lots of natural cleaners available, often made up of vinegar, bicarb soda, and essential oils, which are non-abrasive and suitable for all types of surfaces. Another option is making your own cleaning products with the above ingredients. This will often save you even more money.

4. Filing Cabinets and Filing Units

In 2018, we have little need for physical papers anymore. Instead of spending money on cabinets and organising systems for reams of papers, consider going digital with your files. This way they can be stored on the cloud, or on a hard drive, and take up little to no space in your home. While it can be a time consuming task to digitise all your current files, it will mean you have no need for excessive shelving units and filing cabinets taking up space. You might even be able to sell them on Gumtree for a bit of extra cash!


5. Specific Kitchen Equipment

Items such as waffle makers, slushie machines, and mini muffin cookers have only one purpose: to make waffles, or slushies, or mini muffins. Chances are, they spend most of their time in the cupboard collecting dust. Try to avoid purchasing kitchen equipment that has only one purpose, and instead invest in items like good quality pots and pans, that you will use for everyday cooking and will last you a long time.

6. Foxtel

Television services like Foxtel are expensive, and we often will not get enough use out of them. Reassess your use of pay TV and decide if the cost is worth the amount of television you watch. In the age of streaming services like Netflix and Stan, chances are you will be able to find another service that better suits your needs and is cheaper!



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