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Last week we wrote about purchasing intentionally and buying good quality items that will last, in order to save you money and time, and stop contributing to the massive amount we throw away each year. Today we're giving you a list of 10 things that may not be worth buying good quality versions of. Here are seven things you may be better off buying cheaply.

gift bag wrapping paper

Wrapping Paper and Gift Bags

While wrapping paper might look nice for a short while, it inevitably ends up crumpled in a corner after a birthday or Christmas celebration. Disposable goods such as wrapping paper are not worth spending big money on, as we usually only use them once. Similarly, a gift bag is merely a vessel to deliver a present to your loved one. You're better off putting more effort into what's inside.

Craft Supplies

Cheap stores will often stock a large range of craft supplies, such as glitter and glue guns, pom poms and pipe cleaners. For most projects, you won't need to fork out at a craft store, you'll be able to find all the supplies you need for a fraction of the price! You can also find supplies like beads and buttons for other crafty ventures. School holiday activities sorted!

salt pepper cheap spices

Salt, Pepper, and Spices

There are always multiple brands of spices at the grocery store, but how much difference will you find between $1 dried basil and $6 dried basil? I would guess not much. This is one place where you can save a couple of dollars, and when you begin to fill your cupboard up with various spices that you may not often use, you'll find you will end up saving quite a bit of money by making this easy swap.

Party Decorations

If you're throwing a birthday, Christmas, or Easter party and need to get a few decorative items, check out a cheap store first. Items that you only pull out once a year or less are not worth paying big bucks for. You'll find that a lot of cheap stores will stock decorations for every occasion for a fraction of the price of most party or department stores.

toy kids children cheap


Kids will always find a way to destroy or lose even the most expensive of toys, so why not stick with a cheaper alternative? Cheap stores have isles dedicated to cheap toys for kids of all ages. You're sure to find a bargain, and who knows, you might find your little one's new favourite toy!

Air Fresheners

The cost of name brand air fresheners can be ridiculous! You can get something that work just as well from a cheap store for a third of the price. You will also find that cleaning supplies can be found quite cheaply as well, and often, in the case of cleaning products and air fresheners, you will find that the ingredients do not vary between brands.

Paper Towels and Sponges

On the subject of cleaning products, paper towels and sponges are items that are never worth splurging on. A paper towel will always do the job, no matter how much you forked out for it. Save some cash by purchasing these items cheaply. You might even find the name brand products at a discount in your local two dollar store!

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